Photography has always been a passion for me and I have always had great customer service skills so it was only natural for me to get a job at Wal-Mart's photo department where I could sell you the latest 10MP point and shoot or start a photography company.
That was over two years ago and I am happy not to be wearing a name tag. But I am also at a cross roads of sorts. I can no longer keep treating this as a hobby. Which means more research, more shooting, more epiphanies and worst/best of all more equipment! More equipment means higher prices. Believe me I have tried my hardest to keep them at amateur/hobbyist/weekend warrior prices, but the equipment doesn't get any cheaper, especially with my standards going up.
Before any of you freak out and go looking for a different photographer, stop, they aren't going up that much. Just enough that I can purchase more equipment, maintain what I have and bring quality products to you. I am revamping my cameras and lenses, my website, and the final product that comes to you. 2011 will be the year I went pro! I am excited to what this next year holds for me!
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